The journey

The steadfast love of the Lord is true and real and mighty. I have experienced this in a very real way just the past 48 hours or so. The way He tenderly comforts me in my dashed hopes or expectations. He picks me up in my discouragement and lifts my head. He turns my eyes back to Him, and restores my hope and joy and expectation that He is working and He is indeed in control. 

A few days ago we officially began our last week of this part of our journey to Kenya. And while we hope to return to Tenwek in the not too far future, we still have all the feelings and expectations of a transition and good-bye to what we have come to know. People, places, even things that are familiar will soon be distant. Ministry we have poured our hearts and efforts into will change. Well, as soon as we hit that one week point, my idealistic view of how this last week might go was shattered by sickness. Tom got sick first, then 3 of our kids have followed this weekend. And this is not some quick recovery thing. Tom has been in bed for almost 3 days, literally so weak he cannot pick up our toddler. Not to worry, we did have one of the docs here check him out and run labs, and it doesn’t look like anything too serious. They will recover. But still, it has been debilitating. And disappointing. Today we had to miss our last worship service here at our “home church.” Plans we hoped for in connecting with people this week have had to change.

In all this, my emotions have been up and down, but mostly down. Like most other things we go through in life, though, it’s been a journey. And God is showing himself faithful. He is so faithful. He reminded me this morning in Psalm 34 that those who fear him have no lack. We lack nothing. Though many are our afflictions, the LORD delivers us out of them all. He hears our every cry. He is near, He saves, He redeems. 

So, we appreciate your prayers for healing, and for this week as we continue to say good bye, pack up our things, and to embark on another kind of journey (24 hours on planes with 6 kids!). But more than that, we ask for your prayers that we would stay strong in the Lord, that we would not give in to any kind of discouragement, and that we would stay faithful to all He has called us to do. As I type this, I pray for you in these things as well!

“Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!” ~Psalm 31:24

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Stories in pictures

Ready to walk to church on Mother’s Day

A glimpse of how many MK’s reside here at Tenwek right now (the ones above age 5). All in their tie-dye:)


Mandazis (Kenyan donuts) on Friday makes everyone smile!

Examples of our “doorstep ministry”…the many times when someone shows up at our door selling something, and we pray we can bless them in some small way. (Pray for Grace, and for Amy)

Another visit to Dorcas’ family (see previous post about her)…pray for them to be strengthened in the Lord, and for Samuel (the father) to find a job to be able to provide for his family.
Moving firewood (yes, it is “winter” here right now!) with our friend, Thomas.


Our family table at the annual Tenwek MK Fine Arts Festival. The kids are sporting the “armor of God” since we studied Ephesians 6 this year.

On our way to visit our helper, Stellah, and her daughter at their home across the river. Pray for her also to be strengthened in her walk with Jesus and to be able to provide for her daughter. She is an amazing lady. We are so thankful for her!

And, as always, we can’t forget the many babies and children fighting for their lives at the hospital. Tom is busy up there, and there has been very very sick patients recently. We pray for healing, knowing that God knows and He sees each and every one. His will be done. His name be glorified. *And for those praying for Samuel, thank you! He made it through surgery and we continue to pray for his physical healing. Great news is that through a surgical resident last week, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. We praise God for that!!

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Day by day

Habari! (Greetings, how are you?) We’re hanging in there over here. Every day is a new day, a new opportunity to see God at work. Someone here asked me the other day, “So do you guys have any big plans coming up?” I thought, hmmm…I haven’t thought that way in a very long time. The last “big plans” we had have already taken place! We’re here in Kenya, serving at Tenwek, so what next?! We literally have been living day to day these past 2 months, not knowing what might come next, walking by faith, trusting Him to guide us (though we have to remind ourselves of that frequently!). There are many hard days, and hard things in each day, but there is also a peace and simplicity to this season for us. I don’t want to overlook that. I am thankful for it. We know there will be decisions up ahead, and plans to be made, but for now we walk forward, one foot in front of the other, in what God has for us here and now. 

Here’s a little picture update from the past few weeks…

Our first trip to an orphanage. The kids were in class this time, but we were welcomed by them so warmly and we hope to go back more to play with & minister to them. As you can see, Josh warmed up to them quickly too, as he went around hugging each one! It was eye-opening to see how they live. We’re praying for them to have the food and supplies they need, and to know how deeply they are Loved.

This is Edwin–a recent patient of Tom’s. He came in and almost herniated; they didn’t at first know why. But after surgery to remove a huge abcess on his brain, he was treated with antibiotics and went home! With the many patients who do not recieve the physical healing we pray for, we are often reminded that the Lord is the One who numbers our days. He is the healer. We praise Him for His miracles. Tom is thankful to be a part of God’s work in the lives of the children here.

We had the privilege of passing out cookies and thank you cards to the staff at the hospital last week (our family passed out to the peds units, ICU’s, OB and nursery). The doctors and nurses and staff have been working especially hard the past couple months because of the doctor’s strike in Kenya. Things are really hard because patients who cannot get care elsewhere have been flocking to Tenwek. And there have even been some doctors here at Tenwek who are choosing to be on strike. Please pray the strike would end soon and peacefully, and that the patients would get the care they need when they need it.

  Last weekend we went to a local “resort” in the town of Bomet. It was a nice day of just hanging out, playing, and fellowshipping with some of the other missionaries. Who knew our kids would play in a bouncy house in Africa?! They loved every minute!

Some glimpses of our daily life…digging in the shamba (garden), straining our daily (very fresh) milk delivery, making bread, playing outside, chai time, power outages, building relationships, shopping (6 weeks’ worth!), and weekly PE class (which the boys very much enjoy).

Thank you for continuing to pray for us, and for the people here. Please continue to lift up our children, as there are still many struggles with behavior choices, etc. Parenting is not for the faint of heart! But the Lord is faithful. We know He has us right where we are with purpose, and for our good and His glory. Praying for you all too. So grateful and thankful for the many encouraging words and prayers for our family. 

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