What life has been like

We know an update is due. Life has been busy here, mostly with dailyness. It takes a long time to adjust to a new culture on a practical level, and an even longer time to adjust on a heart one. We thought we’d use this post to just catch you up on what we’ve been doing these last few months…

July– Frantically finished packing and said difficult goodbyes to friends and family in the US. (Clinging to the Lord for comfort and strength)

August– Arrived in Kenya! (Praise be to God!) Unpacked our copious amount of luggage and realized all the things that we forgot to bring. (Trusting in God’s Sovereignty) Tom started studying Swahili, Abby turned 4!

September– School started! (Trusting God to teach these kids through us), Continued learning to live in this new culture (Praying God gives us eyes to see His mercies!), Hannah turned 6! David turned 10! (Amazed at God’s ever-present faithfulness as we watch these kids grow) Participated in first WGM Kenya field meeting (thankful for the many faithful servants God has brought here and the diverse ways that they serve) Saw God’s mercies on display as our friend Geoffrey was Baptized!

October-God blessed us with transportation (Praying He will use our “mutatu” for His glory), Married for 16 years! (Praying for God’s continued mercies in our marriage), Josh turned 8! (Amazed by God’s creation watching Josh start to raise chickens) Helped a local church community “mud” a house for a family in need (In awe of the generosity of God’s people, even when those doing the giving don’t have much) Thankful for a loving community of missionaries (Seeing God’s wisdom in bringing broken needy people to serve Him in the midst of their need).

November– Missing family and friends as they enjoy Fall, our favorite season in the US (Overwhelmed by the diversity of God’s creation, even in weather patterns) Enjoying the eternal spring of Kenya (Reminded of God’s power as we watch the wind, hail and lightning of rainy season)

Revisited the Baby Centre and enjoyed reconnecting with and ministering to the many young orphans there. (Hoping to continue involvement there, praying for the lives of these precious ones) Enjoyed a couple days respite as a family, regrouping for the next few months and anticipating moving into the next phase as Tom starts his ministry at the hospital.

To be honest, these have been a tough 4 months. The emotions have been raw for all of us. But we can say without a doubt that God’s hand is evident and He is faithful. We are working through the many transitions clinging to Him, and therefore we are not without Hope! He continually provides, as He leads and carries us.

“Blessed be the LORD! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Psalm 28: 6-7
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He’s coming!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! As we look back and remember, we can be thankful for God’s faithfulness in all things. In our family, we can think of how He provided for us in so many tangible ways as we embarked on our journey to Kenya last January. He provided strength and patience, a bathroom when we needed one (just being real), food, reliable transportation, wisdom, and even rest and healing when we felt like we couldn’t go on.

As we look forward in hope, we think of how God will provide for us this next year. We don’t know exactly what the year will hold, but we are trusting Him to provide financially for us to get back to Kenya, to provide someone to rent our home for 2 years, and to provide the wisdom we need for each decision…and many other details.

I think of how we anticipated the coming of Christ every day in December. We anticipate Christmas every year, excited and looking forward to celebrating His coming. God was faithful in sending His Son to save the world. And now we live in hope because we know that God will continue to be faithful and true. He promises to send Jesus again. This time to heal all broken things, all the hurting and the pain, to make the world right again.

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.  Revelation 22:1-5

I used to be a little afraid to think about Christ’s second coming, but now I can’t wait! I praise the Lord that I no longer think of what we might “miss out on” if He comes back tomorrow, instead I think of the glory that will be. The HOPE that will be made manifest. All of us who believe in Him will rejoice like never before. The joy of Christmas will be nothing compared to that!

For now we continue to trust and hope in the One who came and is coming. He is faithful. He has work for us still to do here. He has plans to accomplish on this earth. His glory will be revealed, in and through our stubborn, wayward human souls. So in the hard moments, or on the gray days, I pray we can stand strong. There is always hope.

As you think of your end of the year gifts, we’d be honored if you would consider partnering with us financially & prayerfully as we raise support to get back to our ministry in Kenya. Thank you so much for your support thus far. We are truly humbled and grateful for God’s amazing provision.

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  I love soaking in the beauty of our toddler. While she can certainly destroy a room in mere seconds if left to herself, she is also just the cutest thing in how she is discovering the world. One of her favorite words these days is “See?” She’ll point to a tree out the window, say something about how it has leaves, and then say, “See?” Or she’ll get out a handful of band-aids, unwrapping each and putting them carefully somewhere on her body. “Boo-boo, Mommy, see?”

Sometimes I hear her say these things outright, and I say, “Yes, baby, I see.” Sometimes, though, she has to literally take my face in her hands as I’m distracted with something else and pull it towards her own to ask if I really do “see.”

True to His faithfulness, God has been showing me something deeper with that word “see” lately, and it’s really been more of a question: “Do you see the bigger picture?” Or maybe it is actually, “Do you see that you don’t see the bigger picture?”

There are so many moments in life where I want to get results right here right now. I want to see that thing happen. I want to see God provide. I want my kids to love each other. I want that person or relationship to be healed. I want this loved one to walk with the Lord…. I could go on and on and on. But the point is, I can get downright discouraged if I don’t see things I pray for come to fruition in a timely way (on my own timeline of course).

And then He reminds me, there is a bigger picture. There is so much that I do not see. I think I am learning that many times over right now. God is prompting me in those frantic moments when I want to see results. He is urging me to step back, to remember that there is such a bigger picture that only He can see. Even the super hard things that I hate watching others go through, or the ones I don’t want to go through myself, are part of this grand design. Part of His love for us. Part of His plan to draw us stubborn souls to himself. Even though I don’t physically see it, I sense him reminding me to lay down my burdens and questions, frustrations and doubts, and remember that the bigger picture is there. He holds the future in His hands. See?

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