What life has been like

We know an update is due. Life has been busy here, mostly with dailyness. It takes a long time to adjust to a new culture on a practical level, and an even longer time to adjust on a heart one. We thought we’d use this post to just catch you up on what we’ve been doing these last few months…

July– Frantically finished packing and said difficult goodbyes to friends and family in the US. (Clinging to the Lord for comfort and strength)

August– Arrived in Kenya! (Praise be to God!) Unpacked our copious amount of luggage and realized all the things that we forgot to bring. (Trusting in God’s Sovereignty) Tom started studying Swahili, Abby turned 4!

September– School started! (Trusting God to teach these kids through us), Continued learning to live in this new culture (Praying God gives us eyes to see His mercies!), Hannah turned 6! David turned 10! (Amazed at God’s ever-present faithfulness as we watch these kids grow) Participated in first WGM Kenya field meeting (thankful for the many faithful servants God has brought here and the diverse ways that they serve) Saw God’s mercies on display as our friend Geoffrey was Baptized!

October-God blessed us with transportation (Praying He will use our “mutatu” for His glory), Married for 16 years! (Praying for God’s continued mercies in our marriage), Josh turned 8! (Amazed by God’s creation watching Josh start to raise chickens) Helped a local church community “mud” a house for a family in need (In awe of the generosity of God’s people, even when those doing the giving don’t have much) Thankful for a loving community of missionaries (Seeing God’s wisdom in bringing broken needy people to serve Him in the midst of their need).

November– Missing family and friends as they enjoy Fall, our favorite season in the US (Overwhelmed by the diversity of God’s creation, even in weather patterns) Enjoying the eternal spring of Kenya (Reminded of God’s power as we watch the wind, hail and lightning of rainy season)

Revisited the Baby Centre and enjoyed reconnecting with and ministering to the many young orphans there. (Hoping to continue involvement there, praying for the lives of these precious ones) Enjoyed a couple days respite as a family, regrouping for the next few months and anticipating moving into the next phase as Tom starts his ministry at the hospital.

To be honest, these have been a tough 4 months. The emotions have been raw for all of us. But we can say without a doubt that God’s hand is evident and He is faithful. We are working through the many transitions clinging to Him, and therefore we are not without Hope! He continually provides, as He leads and carries us.

“Blessed be the LORD! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Psalm 28: 6-7
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Sowing seeds

This is a time of waiting in more ways than one. I think if we counted, we are waiting on at least 10 practical things to happen before we can get to Kenya. And then there are the heart things. I’m learning that maybe our souls are always waiting. We long for certain things to be different. We long for things to be made right, be made whole. We long for our prayers to be answered. I think that longing and waiting are ok. It is not easy, but it gives us a glimpse of our true longing that God has placed in our hearts, for eternity.

Sowing seeds in the form of love and the gospel is a lifelong pursuit for a believer. It is a lifelong pursuit for a Christian parent. Sometimes there is no fruit to be seen. There is not much evidence of their belief. There is no effort on their part to pursue further truth. But we wait. We wait and we pray and we trust. I’m not very good at that. But God keeps teaching me.

He is reminding me that He created the farmer, the farm, the dirt, and the seeds. I get to play a role on His farm, but He is the One who has all the wisdom, and knows exactly how to bring the good harvest. The role I play in my kids’ lives is important, but the Lord writes their stories. I’m wrestling with that these days. I see small glimpses of hope, but that big picture still sometimes looks pretty bleak on any given day. So I give them over to Him again. I thank Him for each of their unique lives, and for their strong personalities, and for the role we get to play. And I pray and wait some more.

Lord, may you be the author and perfecter of our faith, of each one of our children’s faith. And may I be content and faithful to (imperfectly) sow the seeds, water them, and leave the growth to You alone.

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Quiet confidence

There are seasons of life. There is time for action. For speaking out. And there is time for reservation. For stillness. For quiet confidence. I admit I tend to love those times of action. Give me a list and I’ll check off those boxes and feel great doing it! Give me an idea of some truth to say, I’ll speak it, always with good intention of course (wink, wink). But through many mistakes, I’m learning that there are maybe more times than I like to admit for quiet confidence, for the strong faith that doesn’t have to be seen or heard by anybody, and for prayer.

We have asked for prayer a lot these past 2 years. We are speaking to people all the time who want to pray, and then they may ask what else they can do to help. We are so grateful. But what if prayer was enough? Is that ok to say? I struggle to believe it. So often, I pray…and then try to figure out a way to act. Maybe something I say will make a difference, maybe something I do. Definitely I think God calls us and leads us to act and speak in many different circumstances. But maybe He also wants to do a giant work in our lives and hearts in the quiet confidence of praying boldly and big, and then leaving the prayers at His feet. Not having to act or speak at that moment. Maybe He is reminding me to take time to just let my faith grow.

I’m learning that it doesn’t depend on me. I’m a vessel that God can use. But it’s HIM. He works. He acts. He speaks. It feels freeing to know that. I can be available to act and speak, but also rest in knowing that there is One greater than me who actually holds all things in place.

We all have big things to ask of God. Some tangible, circumstantial things, some that are more hidden, heart things. Sometimes we ask for ourselves, and many times for other people. He knows. He hears. And He is sovereign over it all.

Please continue to pray as the Lord leads you, for our family to learn all that God is teaching us right now, for us to be able to get back to Kenya in God’s perfect time, and for us to have that quiet confidence in all things that God is working for our good and His ultimate glory.

Asante sana (thank you) 🇰🇪

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