What life has been like

We know an update is due. Life has been busy here, mostly with dailyness. It takes a long time to adjust to a new culture on a practical level, and an even longer time to adjust on a heart one. We thought we’d use this post to just catch you up on what we’ve been doing these last few months…

July– Frantically finished packing and said difficult goodbyes to friends and family in the US. (Clinging to the Lord for comfort and strength)

August– Arrived in Kenya! (Praise be to God!) Unpacked our copious amount of luggage and realized all the things that we forgot to bring. (Trusting in God’s Sovereignty) Tom started studying Swahili, Abby turned 4!

September– School started! (Trusting God to teach these kids through us), Continued learning to live in this new culture (Praying God gives us eyes to see His mercies!), Hannah turned 6! David turned 10! (Amazed at God’s ever-present faithfulness as we watch these kids grow) Participated in first WGM Kenya field meeting (thankful for the many faithful servants God has brought here and the diverse ways that they serve) Saw God’s mercies on display as our friend Geoffrey was Baptized!

October-God blessed us with transportation (Praying He will use our “mutatu” for His glory), Married for 16 years! (Praying for God’s continued mercies in our marriage), Josh turned 8! (Amazed by God’s creation watching Josh start to raise chickens) Helped a local church community “mud” a house for a family in need (In awe of the generosity of God’s people, even when those doing the giving don’t have much) Thankful for a loving community of missionaries (Seeing God’s wisdom in bringing broken needy people to serve Him in the midst of their need).

November– Missing family and friends as they enjoy Fall, our favorite season in the US (Overwhelmed by the diversity of God’s creation, even in weather patterns) Enjoying the eternal spring of Kenya (Reminded of God’s power as we watch the wind, hail and lightning of rainy season)

Revisited the Baby Centre and enjoyed reconnecting with and ministering to the many young orphans there. (Hoping to continue involvement there, praying for the lives of these precious ones) Enjoyed a couple days respite as a family, regrouping for the next few months and anticipating moving into the next phase as Tom starts his ministry at the hospital.

To be honest, these have been a tough 4 months. The emotions have been raw for all of us. But we can say without a doubt that God’s hand is evident and He is faithful. We are working through the many transitions clinging to Him, and therefore we are not without Hope! He continually provides, as He leads and carries us.

“Blessed be the LORD! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Psalm 28: 6-7
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The tension

I used to think that missionaries were sort of super humans. They were on fire for Jesus, and just full of an incredible amount of energy and strength. They didn’t really think too much about the possessions they left behind or experience a ton of discouragement. They had a supernatural ability to leave their close family and friends in God’s hands, and then be tens of thousands of miles away for really long periods of time, satisfied with only a letter here and there.

Now reality has hit for us many times over. Missionaries are real people. If you didn’t already know that, we can tell you all about it! (*sidenote: there are many missionary biographies that tell of this also) We leave for Kenya in 10 days!! There is such a tension we’re experiencing now, I can testify that there is nothing super human going on in our house…but there is an incredible God.

I admit I have been wrestling with God these past few weeks. I’ve been resisting, in some ways, this calling. I’ve been all over the map with my emotions. “This is hard, Lord. How can we do this, God? It’s just TOO much!” That’s just a small example. All 8 of us are experiencing it. But I think I’m realizing that it’s ok. It’s the tension. The tension of going and staying. We are called to go. There are parts of our humanity that want to stay. Saying goodbye is done in layers and our souls process it even when we’re not literally faced with it at that moment.

“Belief is the antidote to a troubled heart: believing in God, believing that He is with us, believing that He is good…”

Sally Clarkson, “Dancing with my Heavenly Father”

I think the shift in my wrestling came recently as God has been showing me over and over in His word and through His people that He is good and He can be trusted. I was reminded to repent of my resisting attitude and go back to simple belief. He is and will take care of us and all the details of our lives. He is good. And no matter the circumstances or craziness, I can stand in His presence in fullness of joy that He provides.

So pray with us and for us on this journey. Pray we will stand firm in belief, even when we feel like we’re crumbling inside. Pray we will believe we serve a good God, holy in every way, who goes before us and will be with each one of us, working for our good and His glory all the time. Pray we will remember the bigger picture of why He has us going in the first place…He is preparing people who need to hear our story or experience His love and grace somehow through us.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." -Hebrews 10:23
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Sometimes when you have a million and twelve things to do, you just sit down to write a blog post. Yep, that’s what you do. 

I’ve been formulating in my mind for weeks how to describe these preparations God has us in. He’s preparing us physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally…on so many levels.

I will be brief, but I think there is a bit to share. It might be true to say we are all always in some sort of preparation time. We may not know what we’re being prepared for, but there is so much that is unknown in this life and the future. So in these weeks of getting ready to pick up our lives and transport them to life and ministry in Kenya, I just want to be as aware as possible, as present as possible, to the work the Lord is doing.

Things I’m learning in this season of preparation: 

  • He holds ALL things together. There is no amount of strength I can muster to get us ready for what lies ahead. In many ways, I have no idea what lies ahead. I can’t hold it all together, but thankfully we know who can, and that He does.
  • The sun rising in the east is a sure thing, every day. And just like that, our heavenly Father cares for us and knows what we need even before we ask.
  • Tears come, for the adults and kids alike, and not always for the reasons we think. Sometimes even in a season of busyness, there needs to be time to stop, acknowledge the tears, give thanks for God’s good gifts and remember that He knows our heartaches, disappointments, and hopes too.
  • God will always be urging us to trust Him more. A practical example of this: we got our plane tickets and thought “Yay, we finally have set a date to go.” Then, feeling settled with that, we found out a few days later we’ll be living in a different home than we thought in Kenya, and it’s not quite finished being built yet. Yikes! Another opportunity to trust Him…
  • The work is His. As much as we have a role and responsibility in fulfilling what God has called us to, it is His work. We have to trust Him to sustain it and continue it.
  • He answers prayers and gives good gifts. There have been many practical examples, even small ones, of this recently. Just when I feel like I’ve about given up on something, God shows me he’s always hearing and answering and loving us. Lord, help my unbelief!
  • On a similar note, I’m reminded to stay steadfast in the faith, even in the face of adversity and challenges, even when I don’t feel like my prayers are heard. Steadfastness, perseverance and endurance might be some of the biggest needs we have. 

So, if you think of praying for our family in this juggling of a million and 12 things right now, we’d greatly appreciate it. May we turn to the Lord and may He faithfully prepare us all for what lies ahead.

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